The Southeastern Spine Institute

Carrying around extra weight has many health consequences, ranging from high blood pressure to osteoarthritis, type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea. Weight gain also increases your risks of developing serious back, muscle and joint pain.

Regular exercise and a healthy diet can go a long way in preventing back pain. South Carolina physicians say that a healthy weight-loss program may be one of the best ways to ease existing back pain as well. Before you begin any kind of new exercise or weight-loss regimen, consult with your spinal doctors at the Southeastern Spine Institute. They will let you know if you’re on the right track and not engaging in an activity that could interfere with any current treatment.

Where It Hurts

You often carry that extra weight around your core or midsection. That tends to cause lower backaches. The extra pounds cause your pelvis to tilt forward, placing a significant strain on your lumbar region that leads to lower back pain; South Carolina residents feel it when they’re driving, walking and working. In addition to the strain on the muscles in your back, the tugging can affect the discs in your spine. Disc misalignment can lead to sciatica <> or a pinched nerve.

Your lower back can feel the brunt of any extra weight you carry because the pressure puts undue hardship on your joints. Osteoarthritis develops when the gel-like tissue between your discs wears away and painful rubbing begins.

Exercise for Back Health

A lack of sufficient exercise is one of the causes of obesity. And it’s this lack of movement that also leads to back pain. South Carolina back specialists at the Southeastern Spine Institute will tell you that your spine and the connecting muscles and tendons, when underutilized, lose flexibility. Your pelvis, thighs and back become weak. A domino effect begins as the weakness then leads to poor posture, which further exacerbates your back pain.

You’re not alone. The Surgeon General reported that 40 percent of adults in the United States don’t take part in leisurely physical activity. Furthermore, less than one-third of Americans exercise for 30 minutes or more each day.

When your back hurts, exercise may be the last thing you want to do, but it may be the most important. While inactivity may be prescribed by your doctor for a day or two following treatment, in the long run, a lack of exercise not only creates back problems, but it also hinders the healing process.

Lose Weight and Feel Better

Movement burns calories. Exercises that will help you lose weight and strengthen your back include:

  • Stretching
  • Low-impact aerobics
  • Lumbar spine stabilization exercises
  • Exercise ball bridges
  • Light weightlifting

Every extra pound adds pressure on your spine. Low-calorie diets that are high in fiber and vitamins and low in fat and cholesterol will prolong your life and ease your back pain. South Carolina residents, in particular, are susceptible to extra weight. Combat it with regular exercise and moderation in all your eating habits. Heal quicker after back surgery; get back to enjoying your life and participating fully in daily activities. They are all possible when you maintain a healthy weight.